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If you have particular dietary requirements (allergies, vegetarians, religious requirements) - please talk to your leader.  In some cases we might ask your parents to help us identify products that you can eat or, potentially, to provide an alternative meal.

If you're sometimes a slightly fussy eater - don't panic - a lot of our Scouts have found that the magic of camp cooking turns a food they thought they didn't like into something they really enjoy!  You'll also come across some things on our menus that you might not have had before (e.g. eggy bread or camp doughnuts) - give them a go, you'll probably find you like them!  However, if there is something that you know you really, really, really can't/won't eat - please ask your parents to talk to your leader beforehand.


Why can't I bring sweets & snacks on camp?

There're three main reasons for this rule (it isn't because we're trying to be mean):

Firstly, we promise we'll feed you! So by the time you go to bed you shouldn't be hungry, and once you're in bed we want you to go to sleep so you're ready for the next day - not stay up and make yourself sick eating sweets and crisps.

Secondly, accidents happen - food and drink gets split (or people can eat too much and ...) and it's not nice if it's your sleeping bag that gets soaked in sticky coke at bed time. (Plus left-over food and drink might attract some unwelcome tent-mates in the night!)

Finally - we try to look after our equipment so it's in good condition ready for our next camp, in the past we've had to throw tents away because spilt sweets and crips weren't cleaned up and turned the tent mouldy in storage.


I've got a medical condition, will that stop me from coming on camp or doing activities?

We'll have to discuss this with you and your parents, but in general we can work with most medical conditions.  There may be some higher risk activities where you might be limited in what you can do, but we'll try to make sure that you can do as much as possible.


I have to take regular medication, is that going to be a problem?

No!  We're used to managing regular medication on camps and at activities. From insulin injections to antibiotics, and from pain killers to inhalers we've seen most things, but please talk to us before camp about your medication and what we need to do. We can deal with medication that has to be stored cold.

When you come on camp, please make sure your medication has your name on it and is handed to a leader at the start of camp with instructions for administration (when, how and how much).


I'm worried about feeling homesick

Don't worry - you're not alone, however we generally find that once you get to camp there's so much going on that you won't have time to get homesick!

Occasionally some Scouts do get homesick (and they're in good company, some of our leaders were homesick when they were Scouts), normally keeping busy and then a good night's sleep is all you need and you'll be rearing to go the next morning.

We try to discourage phoning home as this normally makes the homesickness worse.  For similar reasons, parents, please don't try to ring the camp or drop-in unless it's a real emergency - enjoy the peace and quiet while it lasts!


I'm worried about bed-wetting

This can be a concern but it doesn't mean that you can't come on camp.  Please speak to your leader before camp; if necessary we can make sure there's somewhere private you can get changed if there is an accident, and we can look after a spare sleeping bag for you.  We'd also recommend packing some extra pyjamas or changes of clothes.


I want to help at camp, can I?

Yes!  We'd love you to come and help. 

However, all adults present at an overnight event must have completed a Disclosure and Barring Service check for Scouting - please look at the Safety & child protection pages for more information.

Feeling homesick
Why can't I bring sweets
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