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General questions & Joining 

This section of FAQs is primarily aimed for youth members who wish to join us.  If you'd like to join us as an adult, then please look at the Volunteering FAQs.

What do you do?

Short answer – we have fun! 

We offer a varied programme of activities and challenges to help you reach your full potential. Along the way you'll learn new skills, make new friends and experience new adventures. 

As you move from Beavers to Cubs to Scouts some of the activities change and get more adventurous and challenging but the bottom line for all the sections is always having fun, making friendships and doing activities! 

Have a look at the pages, Who are we for more about what we do and the individual sections, but the best way to find out what we do is come along and try us out!

What are the ages for Joining?

Beavers      6    -    8 years             Thursdays  5pm -6:00pm

Cubs           8    -  10½ years         Thursdays  6:30pm -8pm

Scouts  -   10½ - 14 years            Mondays     6:30 - 8pm


Can girls join?

Yes, we have girls in every section from Beavers to Scouts, as well as female leaders (including our District Commissioner).


How can I join?

Send us an email via the Contact page and one our leaders will get in touch with you.  Please make sure you tell us your name, age or date of birth, and provide a contact phone number.

The first few weeks are a chance for you "try us out" and see if you enjoy Scouting - although we know you will!  In your first few weeks, we'll get you ready to make your Promise so that you can be invested.


How soon can I start?

Once we've got your contact information one of our leaders will get in touch to arrange a start date.  We'll try to get you started as soon as we can - normally it'll be within a couple of weeks, although occasionally we may have to ask you to wait a half a term or so.


What is the Promise?

The Promise says what kind of person we try to be as Scouts. Every Scout in the World makes a Promise, although Scouts from different countries might use different wording.  You'll make your Promise when you get invested, and we normally renew it every year around St George's Day. 

Scouts have different set of words to other sections, and there are variations to account for different faiths and beliefs (tell your leader if you'd like to use an alternate version of the Promise because of your faith).  The normal wording that we use for each section is shown below:

The Cubs Promise

I promise that I will do my best,
To do my duty to God and to the Queen,
To help other people,
And to keep the Cub Scout Law

 The Cub Law

1.Cub Scouts always do their best,

2.Think of others before themselves,

3.And do a good turn every day.

The Scout Promise

On my honour, I promise that I will do my best,
To do my duty to God and to the Queen,
To help other people,
And to keep the Scout Law.


 The Scout Law

  1. A Scout is to be trusted.

  2. A Scout is loyal.

  3. A Scout is friendly and considerate.

  4. A Scout belongs to the worldwide family of Scouts.

  5. A Scout has courage in all difficulties.

  6. A Scout makes good use of time and is careful of possessions and property.

  7. A Scout has self-respect and respect for others.

Can Girls Join?
What is the Promise?
Scout Promise
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